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Ramble 004

My depression came back to haunt me once again. I am sad, angry, overwhelmed, missed and feeling so low that I can't see above me ... Everything is blurry again...I can't see Him, did You forget me?

I have been crying for a day and a half, and I still can't stop these tears from hurting me so much. My heart aches, my mind is losing it. I hate bawling. I just don't want to feel like this anymore, I want it to go away, and never come back.... I feel like a part of me died, I feel empty.
Everything is falling apart again ...

At least, He is protecting my daughter from this feeling. He hasn't forgotten her ...

**EDIT: Just when I think He's gone ... He comes right back when I call Him ...

You didn't forget me ...

*[thank you so much Carrie]

*huge hug* I'm sorry to hear about that, I know how you feel. I don't want to be diagnosed or anything, but I'm sure I also suffer from it. Sometimes it's hard to see when you're feeling like this... but you have to believe that He is still there for you, as always. He didn't turn his back on you, I can assure you. Just think about your beautiful daughter and your family and friends, and realize that no matter what, they're always there for you, even if it doesn't feel like it. You may feel like your in a dark hole with no way out, but there always is. Let me know if you want to talk about it, I've always got an ear to listen. Call me if you want to, you have my number.

Remember that he will NEVER abandon you, even though you may think he has. I feel for you, and wish there was something I could do to help.

I will say a prayer for you, and know that there are many of us out here who are here for you.

Aw, come onto Yahoo :) You need some Carlie Love ;)

Thank you so much Carol. That means a lot.

Glad I could help you feel a bit better, Claudia!! *hug*

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